Parent Communication


Successful partnerships with families

We work hard to create successful partnerships with families by ensuring that all parents have access to our school policies and procedures, via our school website maintaining an open, respectful line of communication between parents and staff, supported by our Communicating to Families Policy.

School Communication

The Seesaw app is at the heart of the communication process. Through this easy to use app, you will receive daily class updates from your students teacher, updates from our Principal, notifications of events and school alerts.

Students’ performance at school is enhanced and enriched when schools and families work together. Clear communication contributes significantly to the success of this partnership.

The Frankston Special Developmental School community believes it is the responsibility of all to support a culture of open, informative communication for the benefit of students.


To create and maintain processes that ensure families are kept fully informed of all relevant events that occur at school, in a timely manner, including daily communication, reporting events of the day, participation, successes, celebrations & minor issues of concern via our communication system.

Volunteer Opportunities

Providing parent volunteer opportunities so that families can contribute to school activities inviting families to celebrate events such as our school concert, literacy parade and Christmas parties, coordinating resources and services from the community for families providing opportunities for families to attend Student Support Groups

How to enroll your child at Frankston SDS

How to enroll your child at Frankston SDS

Enrolment at Frankston SDS is based on specific eligibility criteria. Should you wish to discuss eligibility please feel free to contact the school. We look forward to your call.